Yesterday I released a new YouTube Video: My Top Ten Favorite Threads For Hand Stitching. As a follow up to that video, I’m adding my favorite materials to use, as well. Click on any highlighted text for more information. Fabrics: Pat Pauly’s gorgeous hand dyed linens. My absolute favorite thing to stitch on is 100% […]
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added by Ariane Zurcher 3 years, 2 months ago.
a stitching safari
ariane zurcher
ariane zurcher designs
ariane zurcher virtual workshops
ariane zurcher workshops
ariane zurcher youtube videos
creative process
embossing velvet
favorite fabrics
favorite threads
hand dyed cheesecloth
hand dyed silk velvet
hand dyed t-shirt
hand embroidery
hand stitching
improvisational stitching
on the other hand
on the other hand youtube
pat pauly
pat pauly hand dyed linen
sari ribbon
silk throwsters
stef francis